For those of us without very many jumps, this exercise gives you tons of options using minimal jump standards, and keeps the outside of the arena open. Poles on the ground work great for this exercise as well! The three jumps in the middle can be any type, I chose a skinny and an oxer for the diagonals, and a vertical on the center line. The far vertical is set to allow both verticals to be jumped on a circle or on a serpentine. I added the bounce exercise as I had extra poles but you can leave that out if you are limited. There are multiple options to connect the jumps – you can focus on roll-backs or large sweeping turns.
My favorite route was to jump the two verticals on a serpentine, the far one left to right and the closer one right to left, roll-back to the skinny, all the way around to the oxer, roll back to the two verticals on a serpentine, this time the near one first to the far one, to the skinny off the left, roll-back to the oxer (you do cross your line.)