February 16 2019
At Stoneleigh-Burnham Equestrian Center
574 Bernardston Road, Greenfield, MA 01301
Join us Saturday, Feb 16, for our second Stoneleigh-Burnham Equestrian Center indoor schooling jumper show! There’s something for everyone from xrails to 3’9”. Jumps will be colorful and inviting, and if a liverpool is used there will be an alternative option. Heated viewing area and connecting indoor warm-up and show arenas!
Please email entries to Emma at emilford@sbschool.org by 3pm the day before the show. Prizelist & Entry blanks can be found at: https://sbschool.org/2019-jumper-shows-information/
Limited stalls available: Day $30 / Overnight $60
Please email Emma with any questions - emilford@sbschool.org. Can't wait to see you there!